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Senior Infants and 1st Class mid-term news!

23rd Oct 2024

Wow, and just like that in the blink of an eye the first half-term is over!

Everyone settled in well in September to a new class and some new students! We have been doing lots of activities since school started. We explored the season of Autumn and investigated the changing colours of the leaves and dug up some harvest vegetables in the school garden. We made a delicious Autumn fruit salad, collected conkers and made hedgehogs from clay which we then painted. We learned about scarecrows and designed some of our own and talked about the importance of weather and how seasons change. We have been practising our letter sounds, spellings and reading and have been listening to stories and telling our news. We have really enjoyed the Bar Monkeys programme which has helped us with our core strength and balance. We designed town maps, made a rain gauge to measure rainfall in the school garden and became mathematicians to solve riddles during maths week. We ate some delicious treats in the school Cake Sale and this week we performed some Halloween songs for Early Start and Junior Infants. We are looking forward to a break to enjoy Halloween and will be back for a lot more fun and of course learning in November!